Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Making Road Signs

Step1. Open Photoshop and create a new Image, 600 x 600 pixels, 72 pixels/inch, and white background.

Step2. Create a new layer by clicking on a New layer icon

Step 3. Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool and make a rectangular selection. Remember you can just press the letter “M” to select the Rectangular Marquee Tool.

Step4. Now it’s time to change the stroke size and color of the selection. Please click on Edit >Stroke (outline) selection. Use the following settings: Click OK.

Step 5. Holding Ctrl Key, press D to deselect. (Ctrl + D)

Step 6. Select T for Text, Type One way. Use any font. If you want to change the font remember to double click on the Text layer thumbnail and your text will be selected.

Text Thumbnail

Step 7. Keep the Text Layer selected and select the Custom Shape Tool. Please look where it is located.

Step 8. Once you select the custom shape Tool, the icons in the menu bar changes. By default the shape you get is a heart.

Step 9. Click on the Arrow next to the heart picture and you will get more shape options. Select the Arrow.

Step 10. Holding the left button of the mouse please create the arrow shape.
File > Save As your Photoshop Document.

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