Friday, February 1, 2008

Creating a Rotating Ball

Step 1. Create a new file of 400 pixels, 400 pixels, 72 pixels/inch, RGB mode, and white background; fill the new document with color black.

Step 2. Now go to Filter>Render>Lens Flare and use these settings.

Step 3. Go to Filter>Texture>Patchwork

Step 4. Take a look of your image. You should have something like this.

Step 5. Then go to Filter>Distort>Spherize apply these settings.

Step 6. Press Ctrl+F twice to use the same filter again.

Step 7. Now select the Elliptical Marquee tool and starting from the upper left corner, holding Shift Key make a selection trying to include the ball.

Step 8. Then go to Select>Inverse. Press Delete to inverse selection, Press Ctrl + D to deselect.

Step 9. Go to Filter>Brush Stroke>Accented Edges and apply the following settings.

Step 10. Your image should be look like this. Make the disco ball a bit smaller by activating the transform Tool pressing (Ctrl+T)

Step 11. You can add some strokes using the following command. Edit > Stroke

Step 12. Selete the background layer and fill it with black or any color you want.

Step 13. Finally you can add some sparks using the brush from the tool pallete use these sittings.

Step 14. Your final image should be look like this.

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